Adapt a print design for a web banner in Adobe Photoshop – EP 32/33
In this tutorial I am going to discuss and demonstrate how I took a finished print design and from that created a digital web banner design to advertise the book online.
Now the idea of this exercise is for you to experience how we can adapt a print design and export for web.
00:01:30 - Create a new document
00:02:26 - Bring creative in from book cover
00:08:49 - Superimpose cover design onto book photo
00:12:49 - Place book into banner as a smart object
00:14:55 - Ad type
00:18:15 - Create button
T - Type tool
V - Move tool
cmd (Ctrl PC) + A - Select all
cmd (Ctrl PC) + C - Copy
cmd (Ctrl PC) + V - Paste
cmd (Ctrl PC) + T - Free transform
cmd (Ctrl PC) + ; - Show guides
cmd (Ctrl PC) + T - Free transform
cmd (Ctrl PC) + G - Group layers
cmd (Ctrl PC) + S - Save document
Press & hold cmd (Ctrl PC) + click - Select multiple individual layers
Press & hold cmd + D + press enter - Deselect type (with type tool active)
Press & hold alt + shift + click & drag - Scale object (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold shift + click & drag - Scale object (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold alt + click & drag - Quick duplicate object (with selection tool active)
In this video tutorial, I will be using Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 for mac. Almost all of the principles demonstrated and covered will apply to future and previous versions. Some differences may apply if you are using a previous or future version.
Tutorial by GD.
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Written by Gareth David