Spark Connections
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BigBang Logo
Brand & design studio.

Big sparks.

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At BigBang, working with us is easy and straightforward.

We use a tried and tested process to deliver our projects which involves 8 key steps.

1. Consultation.

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It all starts with a conversation.

First, we look to get to the heart of your business, product, needs and requirements.

We do this by having an initial conversation, we ask the right questions and listen to you to learn and understand exactly what you need, and advise you on a winning approach.

We meet with you to speak about the key items that your brand needs to express.

2. Strategy.

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Plan a path to follow.

If you require help with your creative approach, we can take you on the creative journey to help you define your business spirit.

We will then help you outline the perfect design brief which will form the basis of your design problem which we will work to solve.

3. Discovery & development.

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Explore the possibilities.

With a clear strategy in place, we can get to work discovering the potential creative directions available.  

This step is all about discovery and identifying the opportunities we can work with.

We like to explore the potential of ideas available to identify the most appropriate creative concept to base our design on.

4. Design.

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We get to work!

We will carefully develop a distinct design in response to your design brief.

We put pen to paper and get working on your design based on the creative concept previously identified.

We then develop and bring it to life on computer and finalise design ready to share. 

5. Presentation.

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See your big bang come to life!

We don't send work over email, leave you in the dark, and expect you to pick your favourite.

We take you on a journey of how we developed your unique creative solution from the very start. We present all the design decisions and why we believe they work well for your marketing strategy.

We take the time to present our work to you, so you can see the potential, envisage your brand coming to life and ask any questions.

6. Refinement.

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Make it perfect!

Should there be any feedback, we implement it until we are all 100% happy.

We work closely with you to ensure you get the perfect result you’re happy with.

7. Delivery.

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You're ready to fly!

Once you’re 100% happy and approve your project, we’ll deliver the final files.

You can now share your new design with the world and start using your new brand assets.

Should there be any feedback, we implement it until we are all 100% happy.

8. Continued support.

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Nurture & support your brand marketing.

Every brand takes time to nurture and grow, we can be there every step of the way to ensure yours succeeds.

Once a brand is delivered, it doesn’t have to end there. 

We can help you in the future as your brand grows and evolves.

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If you’re not sure exactly what you need, or need more info about any particular service we are here to help.

We can chat over your goals and requirements and advise you on what creative solutions would be best, and how they would benefit your business.


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Depending on your requirements the time a project can take from kick off to delivery can vary.

Once we settle on a course of action we can outline a clear timeline you can count on.


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We know every project is different so we offer a range of packages you can consider to suit your needs and budget.

Contact us and we can arrange a chat where we can discuss all your options.