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Brand & design studio.

Big creative solutions.

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Whether you want to start a new brand from scratch or you feel your current brand could do with a little TLC, we have the skills and experience to help you.

Brand strategy.

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Define your business philosophy.

A good brand design will reflect the unique qualities, values and selling points of a business, and communicate in the right tone of voice and language to resonate, appeal to and connect with a target audience.

Successful brand design is based on a clear strategy.

Brand strategy seeks to define your business spirit and philosophy. This is the foundation of any brand design and will first need to be defined. 

If you are looking to first identify your key values, tone of voice, or target audience to know exactly where to position yourself, we can help with that. 

We can get to the heart of your business and help you discover and define your business spirit. The goal of the brand strategy is to generate a clear design brief to base all design decisions on thereafter.


- Discovery Workshops
- Brand Strategy Plan
- User Personas
- Brand Audit
- Design Brief

Logo identity design.

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Get a distinct and ownable brand mark

The first step in any business branding can often begin with logo identity design. With a clear strategy, we can help create a unique brand mark that can get you started on the journey to developing a more complete visual brand.

At BigBang, we specialise in developing logo designs that are timeless and become icons to represent their business and service.

We can help create a unique brand mark that can get you started on the journey to developing a more complete visual brand.

If however you’re not looking for a complete logo design we also offer a logo re-fresh service.

We have been designing iconic logos for years.

If you need a logo design, we can help you.


- Logo Design
- Logo Re-fresh 
- Logo Toolkit 
- Logo Guidelines

Brand identity design.

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Develop a complete visual persona

Brand identity is so much more than just a brand mark. A visual brand encapsulates a wide range of visual elements used together carefully, along with your brand mark, to create an entire look and feel across all touchpoints of a business, from a business card to your website.

A Taste Experience print Stationary
Bracknell Exchange Print Stationary
Cardiovascular Stationary
The Blow Dry Club Print Stationary

Brand design brings to life the spirit of your business to develop a visual embodiment of your personality.

We create brand design with vision and substance, based on careful, well-thought-out strategy and big ideas to help the success of your business marketing.

Once you have a clear strategy in place, we can help generate all the visual elements to bring to life your unique and distinct brand visual persona and help you reach your marketing goals.

However, if you’re not looking for a complete re-design, we also offer a brand re-fresh service.


- Art Direction
- Full Brand Design
- Brand Re-fresh
- Brand Toolkit
- Brand Guidelines

Brand collateral.

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Build & develop a brand

We have helped many businesses with their creative design solutions, and can generate all your print and digital brand collateral.

Lena Maye Bags
145 City Road Brochure example
Cardiovascular Business cards
The Chain Newspaper Ads

We have helped many businesses with their creative design solutions, and can generate all brand collateral.

Whether you’ve got a new brand to showcase or you already have an established brand, we can offere a graphic design service to deliver quality design to your requirements.


- Branded Stationery
  (print or digital)
- Brochure Design
- Website Design
- Packaging
- Merchandise
- Advertisements
- Event Graphics
- Ad Hoc Design
- Retainer Packages

Social media design.

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Connect With Your Customers

Today it’s not enough to simply have a brand, you need to be able to connect with your customers too.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media
BetterRed Social Media Examples
Logickeyboards Social Media Examples
Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Examples
Logickeyboards Social Media Examples

From beautifully curated carousels to a perfectly timed ad, we can help you captivate your customers and leave a lasting impression.


- Creative Campaign Ideas
- Bespoke Content Creation (static and video)
- Social Media Templates
- Copywriting

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If you’re not sure exactly what you need, or need more info about any particular service we are here to help.

We can chat over your goals and requirements and advise you on what creative solutions would be best, and how they would benefit your business.


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Depending on your requirements the time a project can take from kick off to delivery can vary.

Once we settle on a course of action we can outline a clear timeline you can count on.


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We know every project is different so we offer a range of packages you can consider to suit your needs and budget.

Contact us and we can arrange a chat where we can discuss all your options.

Big projects.

Here are some of the projects we have worked on recently.