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Riverside Training Spalding Social Media

Putting a private school on the map.

We developed dynamic social media campaigns for a private training school to stand out and reach a new audience.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Examples

Riverside Training Spalding.

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Social media design  /  Education


As part of a new brand re-design, RTS wanted to launch some fresh social media campaigns to promote available services and courses.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Design


We took the flexible design system we created for the brand identity and used it to create bold and impactful social media posts across a range of content pillars.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Design

How we helped.

We created a range of templates that RTS’s in-house marketing team could use.

After crafting the templates we carefully instructed the marketing team on how to use them to develop additional unique posts.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Design

Savvy Execution

Social media posts were developed in a 1080x1350 ratio to allow more brand prominence.

The header and footer would be visible in a post for maximum brand exposure, but carefully tucked away on the wall for clarity and less clutter.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Design


A distinct, dynamic and flexible visual system to help launch the new rebrand of RTS to reach and inspire new students.

Riverside Training Spalding Social Media Design

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