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BigBang Logo
Brand & design studio.

Celebrating the building blocks of one of London’s hippest neighbourhoods.

We created a brand identity for a retail-marketing campaign to attract potential businesses and generate viewings.

145 City Road logo animation

145 City Road.

London’s Hippest Neighbourhood.

Strategy  /  Branding  /  Property marketing


We needed to create a logo and visual brand identity for a marketing strategy to introduce a retail space in East London to potential businesses with the aim to generate viewings.

145 City Road Hoarding Design


Based in Shoreditch London, the Atlas Building epitomises luxury-living in an exciting and vibrant urban landscape. At its base is a retail space.

For 145 city road we explored the concept of building blocks that create a rich and diverse community in and around Shoreditch. These building blocks became the design principle. 

The logo identity and visual brand express this in an abstract nature, with an edgy contemporary style, suggesting construction and building, focusing on the pieces that bring it all together.

145 City Road Advertisement Example

How we helped.

We developed the brand identity and executed design across a range of collateral for a successful marketing campaign from posters, brochures to advertisements.

145 City Road Brochure example
145 City Road Brochure example145 City Road Brochure example


The brochure is designed in a format to create an interesting experience and inspire potential retailers. 

The brochure consists of pages in various sizes which work to mix and reveal, juxtaposing various textures, styles and lifestyle environments together, triggering the imagination and vibrant sensations.

145 City Road Advertisement Poster


Colour is determined by the media it is placed with. For example when used with images the logo can pick out colours from that environment. This creates a logo system with a diverse and vibrant potential. 

When the logo is used in a larger decorative context the building blocks of the logo can be filled with image and texture the further celebrate the idea behind the logo identity. 

145 City Road Advertisement Poster


A distinct and provoking retail-marketing campaign designed to represent one of the most vibrant neighbourhoods of London. 

The visual palette of colour and texture work together to build an edgy, aspirational workspace in proportion to contemporary business.

145 City Road Hoarding Design
145 City Road, Map Location

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