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BigBang Logo
Brand & design studio.

A new face for a cardiovascular health company.

We created a fresh and modern aesthetic with a strong emotional concept for a health company, reinvigorating excitement for future product lines.

Cardiovascular Logo Animation
Cardiovascular Logo White


Uniting Experience, Evolving Care.

Logo design  /  Branding  /  Health


We needed to create a logo identity and visual brand for a strategic marketing therapeutic company specialising in the Cardiovascular area.

Cardiovascular Stationary


An Infinite heart. The logo mark symbolises the infinite pathways in the cardiovascular system and in drug research and development.

The symbol also reflects the heart behind the work that never ceases to progress, innovate and care for patients.

Cardiovascular StudioCardiovascular Business cards
Cardiovascular Folder Design
Cardiovascular Note Book Design
Cardiovascular Pens
Cardiovascular Mugs
Cardiovascular StudioCardiovascular Note Book Design

How we helped.

The company wanted a symbol that would be future-proof and designed in such a way that it would require minimal updates or none at all during the development of future products.

The logo allows for flexibility that can be used in a variety of colours and combinations. This would represent the vibrant product line of the company.

Cardiovascular Interior Graphics


A bespoke colour and image treatment scheme and a brand mechanic that would extend across interior design for their office space as well as print and animation.

The logo was used as part of the interior decoration to remind the staff of the importance of their work every day.

Cardiovascular Interior Graphics
Cardiovascular Interior Design
Cardiovascular Interior Design
Cardiovascular Interior Design
Cardiovascular Seminar Graphics

As part of the delivery, we developed and produced a set of comprehensive guidelines to enable consistent usage in the future.

seminar Guidelines
seminar Seminar Graphics

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