The complete beginner’s guide to Adobe After Effects.

Gareth face
With instructor Gareth David
48 Episodes
Software & design course
2.8+ Million Views

Create a 2D video presentation from scratch!

+ Overview.

If you're are a designer and looking to apply effects and transitions to your video, or create animated logos, illustrations or info graphics, Adobe After Effects is the program to use.

The tools in After Effects make it very easy to build video compositions, add video effects and motion graphics to bring your presentation to life.

This course has been carefully created to bring you up to speed with the program and how to use it.

+ What's in store.

On this course, you’ll learn all the methods I use to create my videos.

So if you’ve never used After Effects before, are wondering how it works and want to try some simple animation, this course is for you!

In this series, we will be starting from the very beginning and working our way across 48 episodes to learn all the basics and eventually put it all into practise and build a video presentation project of your own.

In this course I’m going to cover the basics, so whether you have the most recent version of After Effects or an older version, you’ll be able to follow along just fine.
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After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
After Effects Review
+ What we will be creating?
Below is what we will be creating on the course, where I will demonstrate all the tools and techniques to create a 2D video presentation.

+ Course structure.

To help break down the process I have structured the course into 3 main sections:

Section 1 – Introduction

Section 2 – Essential practice

Section 3 – Create a project

So, once you have downloaded the project PDF and the project folder.

Let’s get into it!

+ Software version.


In this video series, I will be using Adobe After Effects CC for Mac.

Almost all of the principles demonstrated and covered will apply to future and previous versions.

Some differences may apply if you are using a previous or future version.

After watching this series you will be able to create your very own video presentation in After Effects ready to export and share.
+ Get the project folder.
Access all the files to follow along with the 48 episode course.
Project folder

Beginners guide to After Effects
- Course project folder

Only £5.50

Tons of value!
The project folder comes complete with:

– 40+ After Effects worksheet doc examples

(Files are compatible with CS6 & CC)

– 25+ Video samples

– 100+ Image & graphic samples

– 40+ After Effects worksheet doc examples
(Files are compatible with CS6 & CC)

– 25+ Video samples

– 100+ Image & graphic samples

The assets included have been carefully designed and prepared for you. The project folder is a .zip file.

[Approx. 1.7GB]

+ Get the course index.
The interactive PDF contains everything you need to follow along with the course.
AE PDF Index
Enjoy the course! 👍
+ FAQs
Is this course compatible with newer versions?

Short answer: YES!

In this video series, I will be using Adobe After Effects CC for Mac.

Almost all of the principles demonstrated and covered will apply to future and previous versions.

Some differences may apply if you are using a previous or future version.

FYI - The original files were made using a Windows PC, so you will see a message to convert the files when opening in newer versions and on Macs which is normal.

The 'Lemon Milk' font is not working for me.

There have been some reported issues with the font as supplied with the course folder.

The font currently in the AE download files for some reason is not picking up the ‘Lemon Milk’ font as intended when you install it straight out of the box.

Some users after installing the font are finding it still does not register in the After Effects files.

If the font does not register once installed, You will have to re-assign the ‘Lemon milk’ font in AE.

Simply select the type, go to the character panel and and re-set the type to ‘Lemon Milk’ to update.

This should rectify the problem.

Alternatively you can download another version of the font here:

This has reportedly resolved the issue.

How do I extract the .zip file?

The project folder is downloaded as a .zip which will need to be extracted first.

For MAC:
Use the archive utility. This is a utility that comes with OS.Simply right-click on the .zip file and ‘open with’ Archive Utility.

For Windows:
You can download both .zip or .rar files. It’s recommended you use WinZip or WinRAR to extract the file.If you don’t have a copy of these you can get a free trial.

Get WinZip here

Get WinRAR here

Once installed simply right-click on the .zip file and ‘open with’ WinZip.

or right-click on the .rar file and ‘open with’ WinRAR.

I need further assistance.

If you need further assitance feel free to get in touch at

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