Ep 46 – Animate a simple 2D Scene in After Effects

Avatar Gareth David | August 7, 2019 400 Views 0 Likes 5 On 2 Ratings

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The first Adobe version of After Effects was released in 1995. With all the innovations and new features that have been introduced over the years, up until now the interface itself has not changed all that much.  

In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate how you can animate a simple 2D composition in After Effects.

In this video we going to apply some simple animation to our elements to complete the last section of video presentation.

We are going to create a dynamic transition where the buildings seem to pop up from the baseline, the type appears and the clouds animate in behind. 

The 2D scene then lingers at the end so we can see some of the nice animated parts of the 2D scene.  


Tutorial by GD.
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Written by Gareth David

  • Gareth David Tutorials 2019