Transform tools in Adobe Photoshop – EP 11/33
As you create in photoshop there will be occasions where you will want to change the size, shape and form of creative objects in your composition to meet your design and imagination.
In this video I am going to discuss and demonstrate how to to manipulate creative elements in our canvas area by using the transform tools.
00:03:10 - Free Transform
00:10:38 - Ward transform
00:11:09 - Perspective transform
cmd (Ctrl PC) + Z - Undo
cmd (Ctrl PC) + T - Free transform
Press & hold shift + click & drag - Scale object (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold alt + click & drag - Scale object (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold + alt + shift + click & drag - Scale object (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold shift + click & drag - Rotate in increments of 15° (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold cmd (Ctrl PC) + click & drag - Distor transform (with free transform tool active)
Press & hold shift + click - Select multiple layers
In this video tutorial, I will be using Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 for mac. Almost all of the principles demonstrated and covered will apply to future and previous versions. Some differences may apply if you are using a previous or future version.
Tutorial by GD.
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Written by Gareth David